Search Analytics Reports
You need to figure out how users search. Are keywords connected to calls to action on the page searchers land on? Is your searcher getting what they wanted when they searched?
Segment your referring keywords report in Google Analytics with the report of internal searches that take place on your site. Are people searching for the exact same keyword they used in Google once they get to your site? This is a great way of figuring out whether you are failing to give searchers what they were looking for.
Look at demographic data and regional search data from comScore and compare this to your analytics traffic. Which areas are you under-represented compared to the opportunity, and where are you over-represented?
Note that the keyword data is URL encoded, so it has things like %26 in the keyword report.
Top 10 search analytics reports:
- 1. Visits to Purchase – Nobody buys from you the first time they hear about you.
- 2. First touch vs last touch organic vs. paid
- 3. First touch vs last touch branded vs. non branded
- 4. Search vs. Direct visits
- 5. Econometric models – treats values as random variables. Estimate parameters of joint probability distributions of variables being studied.
- 6. New links – ie referring traffic URLs – this is so useful because as we stated before, the most useful links are the ones that send traffic.
- 7. Keyword Length – tells you whether you are under or over performing on elements of the long tail.
- 8. Number of Organic Landing Pages over time – every page that has received >1 visit from organic search – this is a metric of indexation that you should actually care about.
- 9. Real-time reports
- 10. Heatmaps